Even critters need a little time off!
What if animals took vacations too?
And if they did, where would they go? Can you guess where a turtle would travel? Or what a kangaroo might do? Each animal would surely choose someplace perfect for them. Readers will find out … and also learn a surprising fact about each animal.
A Very Chilling Mystery
When you close the refrigerator door, does light inside really go out? And if it doesn’t, what might be happening inside?
It stands there in your kitchen
So polished, tall and cold.
Your refrigerator, filled with food,
And chilling secrets, yet untold!
Tell me, have you ever wondered
When you got that snack at night,
When you closed the door and walked away
Was the light inside still bright?
About the Author
Growing up in Minnesota, my passions were playing baseball and drawing. When I realized that not being able to hit a decent curveball would probably keep me out of the major leagues, I followed my creative inclination and enrolled at Drake University. After graduating with a BFA degree, I worked for more than forty years in the advertising industry.
Having retired in 2018, I now live near my three sons and six wonderful grandchildren in Cedar Rapids, Iowa with my dog, Alex. Retirement has given me the time for traveling and exploring this great country, hangin’ with the grandkids, cruisin’ in one of my two classic 1960’s Mustangs and saying “yes” to important non-profit projects in the area.
As a boy, I was always intrigued by what might really be happening behind a closed refrigerator door. Does the light really go off when the door shuts? How do we know for sure? I hope “A Very Chilling Mystery” solves this compelling mystery for the entire world!I believe strongly in the value of reading, learning and travel ... things that allow us to see beyond the boundaries of our own worlds.
Hopefully reading “Where Do Animals Go for Vacation?” will not only be fun and entertaining (plus a bit educational) but will inspire readers to make constant journeys in their lives ... and their imaginations.